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The Arab world’s most diminutive country might not be as showy as its more ubiquitous neighbours, but Bahrain’s thriving arts and food scene have drawn many a visitor looking for a subtler travel destination. Its capital city, Manama, sports a unique skyline, and the country now hosts its own Formula 1 Grand Prix. Recent events may have left a slight dent, but Bahrain’s many sights and sounds still enthrall.

Find hotels in Bahrain compare hotel rates and book the best hotel deals online.

Select the city within Bahrain you will travel to e.g. Manama, Muharraq, Juffair, Zallaq, Sanabis, Sitra, Budaiya.

Wego will search hundreds of travel websites and return a listing of accommodation options including: inns, resorts, motels, hostels, bed and breakfast and more.